What to expect this week......

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

it is over here

You can now find out what is in your CSA box by going to our new webpage. Check it out at www.taprootfarms.ca
You will be provided with a user id and password in the days ahead. But you can still see what will be in your basket next week without logging on.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Walk about

Last night while on a walkabout I picked these. Next we will have enough for everyone:)

- Farmer on the go!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 12-15th

Josh and I still need to go on a walk about to check on the readiness of somethings, but so far the list looks like this....

Peas - shelling peas - til now you've been getting snow peas and sugar snap peas
A cup full of sweet cherries
Not sure on Onions. Zucchini will be here for next week. We have a few handfulls of tomatoes and a few cukes. But they are not into full swing yet.
Oh Basil - the basil is doing well right now.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 5-8th

1/2 lb beans
2 lbs peas
garlic scapes
fresh garlic
pac choi
red leaf lettuce